


1. 突出养生主题:桑拿中心应充分体现养生理念,通过装修设计传达出健康、舒适的生活态度。

2. 融合地域文化:杭州作为历史文化名城,桑拿中心装修应融入江南水乡的特色,展现地域文化魅力。

3. 注重环保节能:在装修材料选择和施工过程中,应遵循环保节能原则,降低能源消耗。


1. 前台接待区:设计简洁大方,展示企业形象,提供咨询服务。

2. 更衣室:分区明确,男女分开,确保私密性。配备充足的储物柜,方便顾客存放衣物。

3. 洗浴区:设置淋浴间、桑拿房、蒸房等,满足不同顾客的需求。注意通风换气,保持空气清新。

4. 休息区:设置舒适的座椅,提供茶水、零食等,供顾客休息放松。

5. 休闲娱乐区:可设置棋牌室、电影放映厅、KTV等,丰富顾客的休闲生活。


1. 地面材料:选用防滑、耐磨、易于清洁的材料,如瓷砖、木地板等。

2. 墙面材料:选用环保、易擦洗的材料,如壁纸、乳胶漆等。

3. 吊顶材料:选用防火、隔音、防潮的材料,如铝扣板、硅酸钙板等。

4. 水电设施:选用高品质、安全可靠的水电设备,确保顾客在使用过程中的安全。


1. 严格按照设计图纸进行施工,确保装修效果。

2. 注重施工质量,确保装修材料环保、耐用。

3. 严格控制施工进度,确保工程按时完成。


1. 严格遵循国家相关安全法规,确保装修过程中的安全。

2. 选择环保装修材料,降低室内污染。

3. 加强施工过程中的环保措施,减少噪音、粉尘等污染。


1. 定期检查水电设施,确保正常运行。

2. 定期清洁卫生,保持环境整洁。

3. 定期检查装修材料,及时修复损坏部分。







1. 水疗区


2. 按摩区


3. 理疗区


4. 休息区














1. 桑拿浴室:桑拿浴室采用高品质的芬兰进口木材,营造出温馨舒适的氛围。高温环境下,宾客可以加速血液循环,促进新陈代谢,有效缓解疲劳。

2. 蒸汽浴室:蒸汽浴室采用远红外线加热技术,产生温润的蒸汽,有助于放松肌肉,舒缓身心。

3. 冷泉区:在桑拿和蒸汽之后,冷泉区为宾客提供了一次清凉的体验。冷泉水的冲刷有助于收缩毛孔,促进血液循环。

4. 水疗按摩区:专业的水疗师为宾客提供一对一的按摩服务,运用专业的手法和技巧,缓解肌肉酸痛,提高身体机能。



1. 个性化服务:根据宾客的需求,提供多种桑拿项目,如汗蒸、水疗、按摩等,满足不同人群的需求。

2. 专业团队:桑拿中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,包括经验丰富的水疗师、热情周到的接待人员等,为宾客提供全方位的服务。

3. 安全保障:桑拿中心注重宾客的安全,所有设施均符合国家标准,确保宾客在享受桑拿的同时,安全无忧。

4. 优惠活动:酒店定期推出桑拿中心优惠活动,让宾客在享受高品质服务的同时,享受实惠的价格。



1. 餐饮:酒店内设有多个餐厅,提供各式美食,满足宾客的味蕾需求。

2. 休闲娱乐:酒店设有健身中心、室内游泳池、棋牌室等休闲娱乐设施,让宾客在放松身心的同时,丰富业余生活。

3. 交通便利:酒店位于杭州市中心,交通便利,距离杭州各大景点、购物中心仅需几分钟车程。








1. 精准分类,全面覆盖


2. 专业团队,实时更新


3. 互动性强,交流氛围浓厚


4. 独家优惠,畅享优惠



1. 美食探店:龙井村、猫的天空之城、知味观等

2. 酒吧推荐:88号酒吧、旅行者酒吧、GVogue酒吧、S2酒吧等

3. 咖啡馆推荐:猫的天空之城、喜茶、Manner咖啡等

4. 娱乐活动:西湖音乐节、动漫展、电影节等






1. 沙滩狂欢


2. 美食狂欢


3. 啤酒狂欢


4. 文艺狂欢



1. 放松身心


2. 传承文化


3. 促进交流




The cold smell changed color instantly. "Is this the manifestation of heaven?"

"No, it’s just a projection. The real Falun of Heaven has changed. It’s everywhere in Heaven. Unless I am a Taoist, I will touch the law!" Jade Duxiu’s palm became chaotic, constantly projecting the Falun onto the jade butterfly in front of him. After a while, the two sides kept in a balance line before slowly changing the dharma tactic.
"What are you doing?" Jade bodhi old zu rushed from the boundary.
"I want to deceive all beings in heaven. There should be no more immortals born in these worlds!" Talking, I saw the jade disc in front of the jade show emitting a subtle fluctuation, which actually mapped the projection of the regular wheel and infected the whole world sadly.
Looking at the jade show moving jade bodhi old zu said with "ecstasy! If you do this, you will be hated by all beings! "
Yu Duxiu kept silent. In the future, all beings seek Tao cultivation. It was his Hongjun who alluded to the false avenue. Yu Duxiu threw the false avenue out and hid the real avenue. When he reached the top, he found that what he was asking for was nothing but an annoyance. Die unsatisfied!
"It’s so poisonous that it’s like cutting off the sun." Jade bodhi old zu gasped.
"I want to deceive all living beings to see that this day is the projection of heaven, that’s all! So how can there be the birth of the strong? "Jade Duxiu smiled.
"Hung-chun, you are so cruel! You don’t have any life left!" Jade bodhi old zu rubbed his teeth and spent it in his state, but it was fatal to those strong and strong monks.
Nine thin red lines in Jade Duxiu’s hand are slowly flying in its palm and constantly entangled. "This HarmonyOS purple gas has a chance to see through the vain pursuit of the road. This is a chance for all beings."
"The perfect world is strong for many times, but you leave nine statues without you. It’s too hard! Too embarrassing! " Jade bodhi old zu grabbed his head and was a little crazy. "You’re such a wonderful creature that you’re afraid you’ll get upset."
"Stop" Yu Duxiu waved his hand. "No one can break this layer of vanity if I live, and no one can break this layer of vanity after I join hands. Don’t you think it’s too annoying that the strong are immortal?"
"It’s really annoying, but you can’t block all beings with an open hand." Jade bodhi old zu said with a wry smile
Something congenial fills the air in the jade show practice that moment a strange fluctuation across the virtual and then the ghost Lord suddenly got up and looked at the perfect world with grim-faced "hung-chun! How cruel! It’s worse than Zulong. Zulong is dwarfed by you. "
"What happened to God the Father?" The nether world is so puzzled that I suddenly feel that the world is hazy, and then the laws of the perfect world appear in front of my own eyes, so I can feel it with a little contact.
I don’t know if the nether world suddenly feels that the law in front of me is a bit illusory, just like looking at flowers in the fog.
"The law of heaven and earth, the avenue how to become clear" The nether world is too strange.
"Don’t look, don’t understand!" Ghost Lord a sullen way
“?” The nether world is too one leng.
"This law is false! Avenue is just a fishing trip in the misty well. "The ghost Lord is sullen." If you practice enlightenment, it is just a waste of time to practice yourself. "
"False? Father, don’t you want the joke rule to be fake? " Mistress Yin’s eyes are full of disbelief.
When I look at my son’s expression, the ghost master suddenly feels that things are too big. My son and the strong can’t see through this law. What’s worse, those monks.
If you hadn’t reached the top by yourself, you wouldn’t have seen any clues if you had not integrated the dark source.
"Old will hurt you? I told you not to practice, so don’t practice. "The ghost Lord walked back and forth in the cave with his hands on his back." Hung-chun’s vicious heart should have discovered the plot of the strong, and this time it should be aimed at those who abandoned the innate Lingbao strong. "
"Crack? I should be like a broken game! " The ghost Lord walked back and forth with a sullen face full of anxiety. "Hung-chun’s hand was too cruel to cut off all hopes. In the future, when people can threaten him, this is the first time to make a move."
Chapter 2339 Who pitted twelve fiends
Deceiving all living beings is definitely a crazy and unscrupulous plan!
The ghost master is restless and walks back and forth. With his ghost major, he can’t think of a way to break the situation at this time. It’s not that he doesn’t want to destroy it, but that Hung-chun is stronger than himself. Where can he sometimes get those things?
"Does the Father mean that all these laws are false?" The ghost brake looked at the vast edge of the overwhelming majestic horse law with horror. How can it be false?
The ghost Lord nodded. "These rules are all don’t touch Hongjun after the holiday. This fellow wants to bury all the strong people in reincarnation and never get out!"
Ghost Lord sighed Hongjun this malicious directly cut off all intrigues.
Monks must practice when they come back, but how can you live forever if you practice the road is fake and just a mirage? When the time comes, it’s not difficult to die in this cycle, and after all, the immortal will be born again one day.
"It’s a good thing I’m alive again, otherwise it’s really planted this time." A virtual fluctuation, a black dress and a sullen Candle dragon came in
"Hung-chun’s skill is really cruel. He killed all our backup!" Ghosts control qi, and the rice noodles turn purple.
"What should I do now?" Ghost brake road
"Retreat! Hung-chun potential big you I’m afraid we are not rivals. We can secretly announce hung-chun’s conspiracy to alert people to dialectic the truth and falsehood by ourselves. There are countless heroes and heroines. It is always that someone can rise in adversity and discover hung-chun’s conspiracy. "Candle dragon’s eyes have provoked Yin and Yang to turn upside down and transform life and death.
Looking at virtual ghost master a pair of eyes to the four seas "dragon? Although the dragon is extinct, there are still many remnants. "
"What can I do? Hung-chun is too horrible to fight in those days. It’s not like you haven’t seen it before. You want to wait for the reincarnation of the strong from all walks of life. Now it seems that I can rely on you." Candle dragon looked at the ghost master.
Ghost Lord frowned "by me? There are few dead souls in this world, and all living beings have been absorbed by you. Without dead souls, it is difficult for me to have thousands of plans to save the day. "
"dead soul!" Candle dragon took a deep breath. "Yes!"
"Where is it?" Ghost master one leng.
"Just cause a few more robberies." Candle dragon looked at the earth with a pair of eyes. "I know that the twelve fiends have been reincarnated and returned. Let’s not follow the example of Hong Jun who rolled up the race war and pulled the dead souls as much as possible!"
Listen to Candle dragon ghost Lord hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "Twelve fiends may not be willing! Hung-chun has been a mouse for twelve fiends with such ferocity. "
"If they refuse, let’s ask them to force them out and expose them in Hongjun’s sight. If we don’t push these guys then, we will do it ourselves." Candle dragon sneered.
"The race war demon protoss had it, but now the dragon, the gods, the phoenix and the unicorn are extinct, so the twelve demons can compete?" The ghost Lord has a bitter face. "You can’t fight against the devil clan alone in a race war."
"The first gods were terrified, but we were instructed by the law, but after a period of time, tens of thousands of years, a group of creatures died the day after tomorrow, and we didn’t have any rivals in secretly promoting the magic protoss."
"The law? The law actually appeared! " Looking at the virtual law, it is too easy for the ancestor to be happy immediately, but then his face changed. "Something is wrong! How does this rule seem to be a bit erratic and seems to be the root comment? "
Grandfather Taiyi is worthy of touching the chaos. In the chaos and the perfect world, hundreds of millions of spiritual practices may not be worse than the ghost master’s lucky reincarnation. Grandfather Taiyi is really extraordinary and found these law flaws at first sight.
"Something is wrong! Something is wrong! Quite wrong! " Tai Yi’s ancestor was silent for a while before shaking his head again and again.
Twelve fiends in the depths of the earth gathered together to form the complex law. They were deducing the large array of changes, but suddenly all the people looked at the virtual one leng and one pair of eyes, and then they looked like a wolf fiend. "How did the laws of heaven and earth suddenly appear?" Clear so much? "
"It’s strange that I don’t know that every time I see that rule, I feel a bad feeling. It seems that there are some problems with this rule, but I can’t find out what the problems are." Cow fiend touched his horns
"What’s wrong with the laws of heaven and earth? Maybe the laws of perfect world are different?" The Hubei god shook his head and crossed his mind to understand the laws of heaven and earth.
"That’s true." The ancestor centipede agreed with the myth of Hubei. "This is a perfect world. Don’t look at the new world with old eyes."
"Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong. You have to believe me." Cow fiend said with a wry smile
"It’s really fast to understand this law. It’s a perfect world. It’s all simpler. I don’t know how many times."
"Just don’t be idle. Grasp the law quickly so that you can settle accounts with Hung-chun."
"A group of idiots" suddenly appeared in the ground and looked at SIRS fiend’s eyes in the field with a sneer at his mouth and made no secret of his ridicule, saying that an earth attack on the instantaneous explosive machine spread to the virtual.

After this suction tower, Gao Cai’s body shook and went directly to the top of the tower to recite the Great Purdue Mantra in his hand.

With the high talent reciting the story of the tower, the believers in the tower are also reciting it. The huge belief force is impacting hundreds of millions of believers in the Flying Knife Yuanling Tower and hundreds of millions of creatures in the Tang Dynasty. The belief force is like a raging wave that forces the Six Wings Flying Knife Yuanling out and submerged in this terrorist force.
Gao Cai, golden in body and holding a wild lantern, attacked the six-winged flying knife Yuan Ling and went to the wild lantern Yuan Ling, where the emperor Yuan Ling directly culled a black six-winged magic man.
Boom, one hit, six wings flying knife, Yuan Ling was suppressed by these huge forces. At this time, Gao Cai put the wild lamp on the top of the tower and let it slowly melt the six wings. Yuan Ling can also take this opportunity to warm up the wild lamp.
After doing this, Gao will take back the Heaven Fairy Pagoda and sit in the Kunlun Indian Thunder Sea, slowly throughput pure Yang aura to enhance their pure Yang Yuan God.
It was in this middle and high school that the sudden movement in the heart touched a virtual distress. When the hands were quickly pinched, they knew the situation and knew that this fluctuation came from Huashan. When they dared not stay, they rushed directly to Huashan in the distance.
"Second brother, please let us go!"
As soon as he approached Huashan, Gao Cai felt a huge light hanging over the whole Huashan, and in Huashan, Erlang God surrounded Huashan with a desperate soldier, and the huge axe slammed into Huashan Guanghua.
Seeing this situation, Gao Cai’ s heart was immediately sighed with a slight sigh, knowing that the Virgin of Huashan did not escape the fate and did not dare to stay and run directly.
Chapter three hundred and fifty-six Clearance Huashan
Erlang, the God of Huashan Mountain, surrounded him with a heavenly weapon, and chopped the lotus lamp flame violently, but it could not break the brilliance of the lotus lamp.
"Third sister, you just lost a lot of money, and you won’t be able to support it for long. Let me kill this bastard and go to the jade emperor. Second brother will ensure that you are safe and sound."
While chopping Erlang God, the earth shouted, but in his eyes, he was terrified of Lotus Lantern.
"Second brother, please spare us. We really love each other!"
In the face of Erlang’s temptation to hold the lotus lantern in the hands of the Three Notre Dames, he stubbornly resisted the bombardment of Erlang, and at the same time he couldn’t help crying out. Next to the Three Notre Dames, Liu Yanchang held a baby in his arms and looked nervously at the numerous heavenly generals in the virtual space.
"Is born with the same root fry Jiro true gentleman is too urgent and will be aggressive? !”
Seeing this situation, Gao Cai didn’t dare to ask Da Erlang’s strength to be strong, and the mountain axe in his hand was even more powerful. It was not good to ask for a big head, and the five-color auspicious clouds shone in Kowloon. A blue pagoda was floating in the clouds and surrounded by colorful auspicious clouds and Kowloon, and the blue figure went from virtual to Huashan and said slowly
After the arrival of Gao Cai, Erlang God and the imaginary heavenly soldier will both be coagulated, especially when Erlang God’s eyes flashed a cold light and looked at the blue pagoda above Gao Cai’s head and flashed deeply with fear.
"Master Gao doesn’t guard the imperial court to interfere with the affairs of heaven, and it’s my family’s business. You’d better leave!"
Looking at the talented Erlang coldly said tone with sen cool colour hand axe is flashing sen cold light.
"My second master has been instructed by Yuan Tianzun, and the mana has increased greatly. Don’t touch your eyebrows when you practice the sixth turn!"
As soon as Erlang God finished speaking, the eldest of the Meishan brothers roared with anger.
"It’s true that although you are too clear-minded, too clear-minded saints have always been quiet and don’t care about things, and now the world has changed a lot. It’s not so good for several saints to talk about too clear-minded saints and take care of their own names!"
Meishan brothers, another full face of cynicism, said
"Old three, don’t talk nonsense!"
Aside, Erlang Shen heard that the old man had arranged the sage’s words, but also leaked himself and told them the situation, which was not coldly denounced.
"The ancestor is justified, but it is not you who can say it!"
For this mocking intellectual, it seems that some Bai Zushi didn’t send his master to help himself, and the strength of the founder was greatly increased.
Nowadays, the Terran has made great efforts to teach others, and it can be said that the flourishing age has risen sharply, so the founder has aroused the suspicion of several other saints.
Want to white these high just have a certain attention in my heart.
Immediately eyes a cold six clean bamboo suddenly raise from virtual shock directly hit the person will strike the cloud.
In the face of Gao Cai’s sudden hand, Erlang God’s eyes were burning with anger, and the sharp axe in his hand flashed directly at Gao Cai’s axe. Just when he was close to Gao Cai, he was swept away by the top blue spirit.
"The Three Notre Dames have the grace to be original, but they have to ignore it."
After sweeping this axe light, Gao Cai simply said that six clean bamboos gently knocked on Fang Baolian’s lamp screen, and Fang Sanmenton was overjoyed and put it in.
"What about Sir Zhong?"
See Gao Cai recklessly into Huashan Meishan brothers old seven towards Erlang asked.
"No one can be released from the siege day and night."
Looking at Fang Baolian’s lamp screen, Erlang said coldly, then thought about it and said to the Meishan brother boss, "Go back to heaven and tell me about the situation so that the roaring dog can bring me a dry bowl!"
"Isn’t Sir Zhong a little too much?"
Hear Erlang god want to please the day will move again dry Kun bowl second child is not small asked.
"This traitor got lucky in the imperial dynasty, and there are two innate treasures in his hand. We have to prevent that once these monsters escape, we will be punished by heaven!"

Lin Chengdong met Qin Yu in the head garden of Yanbei, and said to him with concise words, "Tengba wants to send a delegation to the district to discuss the follow-up cooperation."

"What can I talk to them about if they can’t protect a Jiang Xiaolong?" Qin Yu heart quite discontentedly said
Lin Chengdong pondered for a long time and replied, "Tengba still has a lot of military connections in the government. If the EU has to wrestle with us on the sidelines and we can’t avoid that the four areas are ideal battlefields, it can solve the problem of the remnants of the country and the remnants of the week to get rid of these gangs of rebellious Chinese government once and for all."
"What’s his connections? Can people get out with connections? " Qin Yu asked
"We can’t get together because we don’t have money, resources and contacts." Lin Chengdong stepped in and replied, "We don’t want to hold the idea of helping them to unify and win the government forces, because it’s not very realistic, but from the point of view of blocking the EU and eliminating the rebel forces, then … I personally think this thing is still worth doing."
Qin Yu pondered for a long time and waved his hand and replied, "See you then. Let them come and talk first."
Area 4
Jiang Xiaolong was seriously injured and dying when a plane arrived at the camp of Tengba Defense Zone.
Chapter DiErLiuSi cannon fodder command cannon fodder
With Qin Yu’s permission, Lin Chengdong and Tengba government forces made close contact. After several rounds of communication, the four districts decided to send people to the district to negotiate.
The dispatched personnel are the chief of staff of the Tengba government army, and the real number two. This man is Babulu, who is about fifty years old and has joined the army for about thirty years. He has just joined the government army from the new era and has made outstanding achievements.
An old 154M passenger plane landed at Yanbei airport, Babulu, and only took more than a dozen entourage to board the plane in clean and tidy military uniforms.
It’s "Zhen Tai" Lin Xiao who is in charge of the reception here. When he saw Babulu and others wearing military uniforms, he couldn’t help but feel respectful and take the lead in giving a military salute to each other and welcoming each other.
It is said that Babulu made a final farewell to his daughter before leaving, and even wrote a legacy. The four areas are too far away from the area, and the sailing distance is more than 10,000 kilometers. The 154M passenger plane can’t fly at one time. It has to land along the way to refuel and rest, and it has to cross many war-torn areas.
In this way, the possibility of Babulu’s track exposure is limited. He is very likely to encounter an assassination site along the way. He really risked his life when he came to Yanbei this time.
And this 154M passenger plane model is also well-known in international politics. Years ago, the Polish president, a Polish central bank governor and others were killed on this plane.
But for other regions, the 154M passenger plane may be one of many air travel equipment, and for the Tengba military government, it is the only aircraft that can support long-range flight at present.
No matter what era, the country’s political stability and strong national strength are really a national backbone.
The four districts are full of smoke and war, and a political chief of staff should come to negotiate at the risk of dying at any time … This is both tragic and sad.
Of course, we may have gone through this period, but fortunately, it is all in the past …
Babulu is an admirable Han. He wore a straight military uniform and took his entourage with him. He arrived at Yanbei headquarters with Lin Xiao.
On the evening, Qin Yu met with Babuluqi for the first time.
At the same time, Egor, the representative of Qianjin, also arrived in Yanbei to prepare for the follow-up tripartite talks.
Commander-in-chief Zhou Xingli, who used to be constipated, has recently fled thin again, because it is really difficult for him to adapt to the food and climate environment here, and he ordered the logistics department to restore all the furniture in his office to his own Lu Huai office one by one in order to find a comfort.
Chinese activity area office building
Zhou Xingli sat in a chair and shouted at the representative of the first district of the European Union and said, "Bullshit! How long have we only arrived here? Isn’t it a little too hasty for you to let us go to the fourth district to support the Red Scarf Army before the most basic resettlement problem is done well? Huh? !”
The interpreter next to him truthfully relayed Zhou Xingli’s words to the representative of the first district of the European Union, but the other party shrugged his shoulders and replied bluntly, "Only when you are in the fourth district can you play your role is it worthwhile for us to continue to invest in you. Respect Commander Zhou, I hope you can be white … Your troops and people consume every penny and every resource here … all of which are the taxpayers in our region. You deserve our fight."
Zhou Xingli is right.
"We must be fair. I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible." The other party got up and held out his palm.
Zhou Xingli looked at him blankly without reaching out.
"I’m waiting for your news." The other party politely withdrew his palm and turned away.
"Damn it! Let’s go to the fourth district before the ass is hot. They really don’t wait a minute! " Zhou Xingli rested on her hips and scolded one.
People around are afraid to answer the phone.
Zhou Xingli lit a cigarette in a depressed mood and shouted "Let Li Bokang come back" after a long time of meditation.
About two hours later, Li Bokang arrived at Zhou Xingli’s office and sat on the sofa to listen to him tell the story.
"I didn’t expect it to be so soon," Li Bokang intervened and said, "I … they will at least wait until our infrastructure is finished and settled."
"What do you think?" Zhou Xingli asked
"This is hiding." Li Bokang looked up and answered, "They are willing to pay and give us arms. Isn’t that just to let us be pawns?"
Zhou Xingli was silent
"Commander, we have to promise this thing," Li Bokang said bluntly, "but we can control how to do it."
"Tell me about it."
"… they want us to be pawns, but they don’t want to be directly involved in the battlefield of the fourth district." Li Bokang intervened and said, "They want remote control and diplomatic control. If we occupy a strong military discourse in the fourth district, they will still be unable to bypass us and we will still be an independent government instead of being completely absorbed."
Zhou Xingli nodded slowly.
"You He will share some pressure for us, and even if we enter the battlefield in the four districts, we will reduce some pressure." Li Bokang said after a long time, "Feng Corps can enter the field first to help the Red Scarf Army with infrastructure and military guidance."
"Will Feng Ji go?" Zhou Xingli asked
"He also has his value," Li Bokang said with great personal feelings. "… when he got here, he still wanted to be a commander and enjoy his old age. It must be impossible for him to do it. If he doesn’t do it, take him off. "
Zhou Xingli nodded slowly. "It’s better to be here and solve the problem of this family faction."
late night
Feng Ji rode away sullenly after seeing Zhou Xingli.
After sitting in the car for a long time, Feng Ji scolded, "Kill the donkey if you fucking remove the mill. Zhou Xingli obviously wants to use us as cannon fodder first!"
Area 4
Tengba military defense zone

"Oh, yes," Wu Di said immediately. "Let’s go. Our car says it’s too cold here."

"good!" Qin Yu stepped with it.
a few minutes later
Wu Di took out a magazine from the glove box at random and handed it to Qin Yu "Look"
Qin Yu took the magazine and frowned and read a cover title, "Golden Rain Stop, a popular flower in the entertainment circle," I want to talk about this new world. What does this mean? "
"… she went to Songjiang today," Wu Diqing replied. "This woman is popular in recent years, and the two of them have a long friendship."
"I still don’t understand," Qin Yu shook his head. "They have a long friendship. What do they have to do with us?"
"You look for someone to keep an eye on her," Wu Di said. "The third girl invited this woman to come first to announce with the new pharmaceutical factory, and the second to communicate with the investors. There are many dirty things in this business banquet for celebrities. We dug them up and exposed them."
"Is there? !” Qin Yu language said, "and this thing you find the media do not finished? After all, they can even shoot who is in the toilet there. It’s still professional to do this. "
"No," Wu Di replied with a wave of his hand. "It’s leaked to inform the media about this, and it’s very rich."
"How come?"
"I have reliable information that Lao Xu has introduced new investors this time, and the other party has to take a lot of resources in Songjiang in addition to economic requirements," Wu Diqing said. "The separation of these resources affects the vital interests of the people. To put it bluntly, he means to sell the area for glory, but these are secretly carried out at the table, and the public does not know."
Qin Yujing listened.
"This golden rain stop has a great influence," Wu Di continued. "If you can dig up a little gossip about him and the investors and add Lao Xu to it, there will be news points. I will find several big online media to expose it and then expose Lao Xu to sign a contract with each other."
"I see what you mean." Qin Yu nodded.
"Strive to cash out political achievements and appeal to the actress in the commercial enclosure to flow around …!" Wu Di walked over and said to Qin Yu, "Everyone is most willing to see and scold this kind of thing."
Qin Yu looked at the magazine and nodded lightly.
"The purpose is one, that is, we will give it a bad name before they formally launch the project." Wu Di turned to look at Qin Yu and continued, "We have no absolute advantage over Sangong, so we will take advantage of it."
"I know what you mean" Qin Yu nodded.
"At 9 o’clock in the evening, she flew from Fengbei to Songjiang North Car." Wu Di said in detail, "You let people prepare."
"Good" Qin Yu nodded.
"Okay, that’s it. I’ll see you later."
"Well, I also went to the unit." Qin Yu stretched out his hand and pushed the door and stepped away.
Che Wu Di suddenly smiled and asked, "Is that like you?"
Qin Yu suddenly bared his teeth outside the car and replied, "What do you want to ask?"
"Don’t worry, hehe" Wu Di replied with a wave "OK, I’ll go first"
Erlonggang Mingshan
Wu Tianyin gulped down a mouthful of liquor and lay in a thick military coat and asked softly, "Doesn’t that fage have any relatives in Erlonggang?"
"No," An Zai shook his head. "He just played a single jump and then came up with a little trick to run away from the former leader."
"Ah" Wu Tianyin nodded his head.
"It’s not a problem for me to stay in the mountains all the time!" An Zai frowned and asked, "What do you think?"
Wu Tianyin gently replied with a hip flask, "Many people here have to make an idea of money leakage."
An Zai was stuck.

"There are such wonders?"

Su Mo was greatly surprised.
Lin Lei doesn’t understand, but Ren Huang can rise against the trend in the wild continent and lead the Terran to create a brilliant era. That kind of talent, opportunity and understanding is naturally one in a billion.
But even Ren Huang’s predecessors can understand the nine-palace micro-step, which can’t be a question of understanding qualification
Lin Luo went on to say that "Jiugong’s micro-steps are very extensive, including astrology, yin and yang, five elements, too mysterious armor and many other Taoist calculations."
"It’s also my fault that it didn’t take me long to control Jiugong’s micro-steps."
Pause a little forest fall and ask curiously, "What’s the matter with you being able to display your Jiugong micro-steps?"? I originally gave it to you by my mother? "
Su Mo hesitated. "That time it happened by mistake."
"Can this still happen?"
Lin Lin’s eyes got wide open.
After a while, Lin Luo added, "My brother inherited more from my father and I inherited more from my mother."
Sue ink secretly nodded.
It can be seen from this war that Lin Lei’s moves are strong and powerful, which is quite imposing.
Su Mo remembered one thing and told him, "You and your brother can leave me as soon as possible if there is an opportunity. I have a jade card in my bag and I can leave at any time."
Lin fall some confusion was about to ask next to watch Song Xuan suddenly look move.
Although he can’t hear what Su Mo is saying, he can feel that they have a very close fluctuation of gods.
Millimeter omen Song Xuan suddenly turned around and grabbed Lin’s throat and lifted it from the ground!
Su Mo couldn’t move in Song Xuanshen’s knowledge and coercion.
Lin Luo exclaimed one
During the war, Lin Lei felt something. Seeing this scene from the corner of his eye, he couldn’t help but fly into a rage and roared, "Song Xuan let her go!"
This level of war, both sides are the top strong and must not be distracted.
Lin Leixin’s sister’s safety was distracted and the flaw was instantly revealed. She was caught by the four casters and broke out in a fierce offensive at the same time!
Song Xuansonglin reveals a smile.
Of course, he won’t really hurt Lin Luo to distract Lin Lei with the help of Lin Luo!
Poof! Poof! Poof!
Three heads and six arms condensed out, and the head and arms were attacked by four castellans one after another, and the road was really broken on the spot.
The situation is reversed instantly!
Even so, Lin Lei can still carry the fierce offensive of the four castellans by relying on the powerful fighting power of qi and blood.
"Jade broken palm!"
Just then, the battlefield sounded a whisper.